LUXURY WEDDING FLOWERS Tell Me Your Floral Dreams! Name and partners name Email Address Phone number Wedding date, ceremony time and venue(s) Describe your wedding party flowers (bridal bouquet, number of bridesmaids, grooms party, flower girls etc.) Describe your ideal ceremony flowers (pedestals, urns, floral meadows, floral arch/columns, hoop, pew ends, signing table flowers etc.) Describe your ideal reception flowers (number of tables, long banquet or round tables, top table, low or tall centrepieces, footed bowls, bud vases, garlands etc.) Describe the colour palette, style and aesthetic of your day Have you booked a wedding planner and photographer? If so, who? (we love to know who we might be working with!) Please choose your budget (our minimum investment is currently £2500) Please choose your budget (our minimum investment is currently £2500)£2,500 - £3,500£3,500 - £4,500£4,500 - £6,000£6,000 - £8,000£8,000 + Finally, where did you find us? 15 + 11 = Submit